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Please enjoy your visit, the cattle and the information that we share. We look forward to meeting you on line, or in person, to discuss your aims and achievements, as well as our management and genetic strategies.
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CBV Brahmans

Low cost production focussed on commercial results!

CBV commenced in 1981 with Alf and Wendy Collins at “Belah Valley”, Marlborough.

The CBV core herd was selected out of a family partnership at "Wandilla", of purebred Brahman cattle with 25 years development.

Over the following 20 years Alf and Wendy’s focus was breeding adapted cattle to supply genetics that make a difference to margins in the commercial world. Simultaneously land improvement was an integral part of the whole business development.

Alf Collins Interview

Kay Becker is speaking with Alf Collins from CBV Brahmans at Marlborough. Alf speaks of how he manages his Brahman herd and the resources he has used and the people he speaks with that have influenced his decisions about the path he has taken.


bull sale 2023

Contact Details

Alf Collins
Tel: +61-7-4935-6222
Mobile: +61-4-1972-6420
Email: Alf Collins
CBV at Belah Valley
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