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Please enjoy your visit, the cattle and the information that we share. We look forward to meeting you on line, or in person, to discuss your aims and achievements, as well as our management and genetic strategies.


To achieve genetic gain, knowing the difference is important.

Outliers in statistics for efficiency will not deliver on a whole herd basis without a comprehensive plan for genetics and management, including an elevated knowledge of combined stressors and adaptation… research has illustrated this many times… there are very few magic bullets in agriculture, or in life.
cattle by water
opportunity-successtaking on responsibility
Outliers in statistics for efficiency will not deliver on a whole herd basis without a comprehensive plan for genetics and management, including an elevated knowledge of combined stressors and adaptation… research has illustrated this many times… there are very few magic bullets in agriculture, or in life.
cattle by water
opportunity-successtaking on responsibility

Contact Details

Alf Collins
Tel: +61-7-4935-6222
Mobile: +61-4-1972-6420
Email: Alf Collins
CBV at Belah Valley
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